This website is a portfolio of work that I have available online.
Personal Projects
Transit (BART) Board
View BART train locations on a minimalistic, easy to read, map. Lightweight, and low latency infrastructure keeps the map up-to date and very quick to load.
Azure Cloud Computing Predictive Maintenance Tool
The predictive maintenance tool is a web application based on the Azure cloud computing maintenance dataset. It allows users to visualize data and make predictions about equipment failures. See the front end source for the Streamlit application code or the back end source code that trains the machine learning models.
Mini-vision Personalized Photo Categorization
Mini-vision is a collection of computer vision scripts for perception-focused photo tagging and searching.
- V Kuroda, M Egorov, S Munn, A Evans. Unlicensed Technology Assessment for Uas Communications. In ICNS 2020.
- AD Evans, M Egorov, S Munn. Fairness in Decentralized Strategic Deconfliction in UTM. In AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 2203.
- X Yang, M Egorov, A Evans, S Munn, P Wei. Stress Testing of UAS Traffic Management Decision Making Systems. In AIAA Aviation 2020 Forum, 2868.
- Steven Munn, Kang-Yu Ni, Jiejun Xu. Learning Network Dynamics from Tumblr: A Search for Influential Users. In Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (SBP-BRiMS), 2017.
- S. Munn, K. Moreland. Marching Cubes Application for Mantevo. In Andrew M. Bradley and Michael L. Parks, editors, CSRI Summer Proceedings 2015, pages 355-363. Computer Science Research Insti- tute, Sandia National Laboratories, 2015